Sustaining Wonder
Sustaining Wonder
Date and Time: TBA (please join our mailing list and follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook for event date announcements)
Sustaining Wonder: A Regenerative Practice for the Awakening Heart
Join me for a celebration of Wonder. We must remember and cultivate an experience of Wonder for ourselves and our world.
Revive the Wonder that awaits you. Reclaim the yearning of your Heart's purpose. Together, we will co create a meaningful experience that will remind you of your power and ability.
Rebuilding the path to your own personal wonder is a practice of Empowerment! Wonder can feed your heart in the darkest of times.
Join us to play and pray.
This offering will include a group discussion, journal activity, meditation practice, and an embodiment practice.
Come as your are. Wear what you want.
This event is free to everyone.